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Clubul Oamenilor de Afaceri
de Limba Germana din Transilvania de Nord

Deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftsclub Nordtransilvanien


Sonstiges, Cluj-Napoca


Find your job abroad

Your network for international jobs in Switzerland and Germany

Welcome to Severinus EU!

We're not just a company; we're a diverse and passionate team dedicated to bridging talents with opportunities across borders.

Meet Our Global Family

Our team is the heart of our success. Comprised of experienced professionals from various corners of the world, we understand the nuances of international recruitment like no other. Each member brings unique insights and experiences, enriching our ability to connect ambitious professionals like you with fulfilling careers abroad.

Why Choose Severinus EU?

Navigating the world of international job opportunities can be daunting, but that's where we excel. We specialize in understanding your aspirations and aligning them with the perfect overseas roles. Our expertise lies in:

Personalized Support: We believe every career journey is unique. Our team offers personalized guidance to help you find roles that resonate with your skills and passions.
Global Network: With connections across multiple countries and industries, we open doors to opportunities that transcend borders.
Cultural Insight: Working abroad is not just about a new job; it's about a new lifestyle. We provide cultural orientation to help you seamlessly integrate into your new environment.

Join Us in Crafting Your Success Story

Your ambition to work abroad is more than a career move; it's a life-changing adventure. And we're here to guide you every step of the way. If you're a talented professional looking to expand your horizons or a valued partner seeking skilled candidates, we invite you to connect with us.

Let's Talk

Ready to embark on this exciting journey? We are eager to hear from you. Reach out to us, and let's start crafting your success story together. Our team at Severinus EU is committed to turning your international career aspirations into reality.

Here's to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

Warm regards,

Severin Mützenberg
Managing Director, Severinus EU



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